Dirty Mnemonics are the Best Mnemonics

Well, my class and I did it. We survived the first half of session two — including suffering through a barrage of five exams over the past three days.  I did well on all of them, that’s the important part, but I spent so much time studying that I literally dreamed of studying. At times I was so tired while reading over my notes that I tried to nap, but my mind wouldn’t slow down enough for me to rest.  It was crazy. Staying focused for so long was difficult. I definitely rediscovered the power of black gold, AKA coffee.

I drink coffee at almost all hours of the day now, and when I do, I find myself not only more alert, and receptive to new information, but also much more susceptible to distraction. For example, it could be 3 PM on a Saturday afternoon, and I’ll be coming down from my caffeine high from the morning brew, so I’ll pop a Starbucks Via in the microwave for a quick pick-me-up. Halfway through drinking it while I type up an outline of some lecture, whatever I’m typing will spawn a question in my head –

“Wait, where have I heard streptococcal agalactiae before? That was the cause of some infection from another lecture I think. Hmm.. I think I need to know that. Where is that lecture?”

Then I’ll start rummaging through highlighted and marked-up lecture outlines in my folders, trying to find the connection I think exists. While tearing through the folder, I may knock a pen or highlighter to the floor on accident, which causes me to realize I need to tidy up my desk – it’s covered in colored pens and highlighters. What a mess! As I’m putting things away, I’ll see my sweatshirt from the day before lying on the floor by my foot-rest.

“Damn. I need to do laundry.”

I’ll go upstairs and start sorting a load of laundry. Right about that time it’ll register that I haven’t yet brushed my teeth that day, so I’ll go ahead and knock that out. Right about this time, I’ll think of some other task I need to accomplish, e.g., grocery shopping, exercise, buying something for school.

Then it will dawn on me, “$#!% I needa finish that outline and three others before I can get around to all that! I’d better go study. Why the hell am I upstairs anyway?”

It can go on like this for upwards of an hour lol. It’s frustrating, but I NEED to stay alert, so the risk of wasting time is worth the reward of efficient studying the rest of the time. Anyway, #endcoffeerant.


UCD prepared me well for cardiology and pulmonology. My exercise biology major emphasized heart and lung function, and it’s been paying dividends this term. For example, in cardiology we’re learning about congestive heart failure, myocardial infarctions (heart attacks), and coronary artery disease, all of which I learned about it extensive detail in my Clinical Exercise Physiology class at Davis. That class was predominantly concerned with the affect that exercise has on healthy and sick hearts. We also learned how to perform and read ECGs in that class, which is paying off huge in my ECG class at Touro. It’s not necessarily that I remember everything, but most people will agree that learning something for a second time is far easier than learning it for the first time. As Celine Dion would say, “It’s all coming back to me now.” Moreover, in my exercise physiology lab at Davis, we had a few experiments that were about lung function, including measuring lung capacities and volumes and comparing and contrasting restrictive vs. obstructive lung diseases. I can’t express just how helpful it is to have a strong undergraduate education when you come to PA school. You would think that most PA students have similar educational backgrounds because everyone has to meet the same entrance requirements, but this is just not the case. Anyway, so yeah, pay attention in undergrad!! It will save your arse in the future. 

Oh, yeah. A bit of international history was made on Wednesday. You may not have heard about it, but I sanctioned peace talks between the Pakistanis and a tribe of Native Americans living in the northern Nevada desert. Actually, maybe you did hear about it… It got 15 likes on Facebook…


In addition to the above shinanigans, our class also held an “Ugliest Sweater” contest on Tuesday. Here are those who participated, looking handsome and professional. Haha


Ugly Sweater Day – 2013

Last night my friends and I held a white elephant gift exchange at the house, but not before we went out to dinner at the M. It’s a casino about 15 min away from the house, and they have an amazing buffet. As most of you know, I’ve been dieting and exercising for some time now. I actually reached my goal, so I stopped trying to lose weight, but I’ve still been eating smaller portions. So yea, this buffet ruined me! Haha. I had sooooo much food.. I felt like this little guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k5OfIZByjM. Anyway, after we got back, we lit up the fireplace and had our gift exchange. Without trying to sound too corny, it was awesome. I’m lucky to have such a cool group of friends.


PA Family White Elephant Gift Exchange – 2013

Tomorrow morning I leave for my hometown. I’ll be home from 12/21 – 12/30 at the earliest to possibly 01/03/2014 at the latest. I may return for new years eve, but we’ll see about that. I’m looking forward to being home again, although it won’t be quite like last time because I’ve got a ton of studying to do. Namely, cardiology and pharmacology lectures that I let pile up while I was studying for hell week. It’s all good though. I’ll have plenty ‘o time for that. Speaking of which, I’d better get back to packing and what not. Plus I need to go place some sports bets at the local casino for this weekends NFL games.

I’ll leave you with some of my favorite mnemonics that I and my friends came up with for our microbiology/infectious diseases class that hands-down saved my ass on the test on Thursday. NSFW! Two things to keep in mind: 1) Spelling is altered to more closely resemble the actual word(s) we were trying to recall, and 2) we have been taught (rightfully so) that dirty mnemonics are more easily remembered… You’ve been warned.

  1. Nude men influence children.
  2. PAM smells fowl.
  3. Gondii sits on cats.
  4. Grandpa’s cocc is dry and warm.
  5. Sappy cats are nitrite negative.
  6. I C the faecal heart.
  7. The Gardner’s vagina hid a clue.
  8. Pyo’s GAS causes toxic shock.
  9. Two negative pills have gon to break IgA with Opa.
  10. Ur eyes have gon with your sperm, and join’d her pelvis.
  11. The elements and reticulates are inside the chlam.
  12. My pall syph hates Gram crackers, but eats them rapidly.
  13. A jerk Trich’d me into eating a frothy strawberry when I was hy.
  14. Ruby and Tera are buds, I’m not lying. 
  15. In september, men can see galaxy B. 
  16. The tumbling ninja that acts like he’s listening to the facts inside. 
  17. Rick must go inside the Rocky Mountains.
  18. Borrelia buys Lymes and spears at Target. 
  19. The cat scratched Bart’s new Hen. 
  20. Scarlet’s GAS gave her a strawberry tongue. 
  21. Rubeola goes HAMF!
  22. Put the Sand Fly on a Leish. 
  23. No peaceful critters in Cali. 
  24. Mum’s men like parots. 
  25. Wet nipples can be partially neutral. 
  26. Furious phobias are rarely dumb limps. 
  27. EW, you think arthropods are hot? 
  28. Herpes 1 gives head. 

2 responses to “Dirty Mnemonics are the Best Mnemonics

  1. That reassures me that my Exercise Science undergrad degree will help me in PA school. I will be taking ECG this Spring and then walk in May from Bloomsburg Univ, in Pennsylvania. I plan to apply to a couple schools, but most likely not a lot until I gain much more HCE. I have learned so much from Special Populations, Ex Phys, and Ex Prescrip. I feel like that will definitely help! Now it’s just finishing up my super senior year and better my application!

    Good Blog! (Found the link off of pastudentforum)


    • Yes! Exercise science is an awesome pre-PA major! Sounds like you’re taking/have taken a lot of the right courses too. ECG is tricky so that’s good that you’ll have some experience. Exercise physio lec and lab were probably my best two classes as far as being completely relevant here and now in PA school. Anyway, keep up the hard work Kevin! It’ll certainly pay off. And my recommendation, apply to many PA schools every time you apply. Don’t limit your options! Best of luck to you man. Glad you enjoy my blog!

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